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Sta-Rite Well Pumps and Jet Pumps for Car Wash, Sprinklers, Agriculture

Sta-Rite deep and shallow well jet pumps are typically mounted above ground. They are typically used to draw water from a well through a suction pipe in order to provide potable water to applications including light commercial or residential irrigation, like sprinkler systems. Jet Pumps and Sta-Rite irrigation pumps are typically more popular in warmer climates or areas with higher water tables. Sta Rite submersible water well pumps deliver efficient and dependable performance even in rough or aggressive submersed conditions. Pentair well pumps feature floating stage design to persevere and the SignaSeal system that breaks down debris and reduces locking.


Choosing Your Sta-Rite Jet or Well Pump

Which pump will suit your needs?

Jet well pumps are installed above ground, usually in a well housing. If you do not have a well casing, you have a shallow well. These pumps use a motor and suction pipe to pull water above the surface of the ground. Shallow or convertible jet pumps are not submersible. Sta-Rite shallow well pumps can pump water from 0’ to 25’ deep. A convertible well jet pump can operate between 0’ to 25’ with a shallow jet well nozzle or between 25’ to 90’ deep with an ejector assembly.

Well pumps are used to deliver water from an underground water source to your home. Sta Rite submersible well pumps operate below the ground and use pressurized water to push water to the surface and into an above-ground storage tank.  Deep well submersible pumps operate submerged and operate in wells from 20’ up to 300’ deep. The diameter of your well casing determines what type of well pump you need. Some well casings are 2” and require special accessories with a convertible jet well pump. If your well casing is 4” or more in diameter, you can use either a jet well pump or a deep well submersible pump, depending on the depth of your well.

Sta-Rite Well Pump Manuals

You'll find instructions for installation and repairs in your Sta-Rite water well pump manual. The manual for your Sta Rite well pump will also contain diagrams and parts lists specific to your model. You can usually find a copy of the manual below the pricing information on each of our product pages, simply click on the PDF listed on the page to view.