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Professional Grade Erie Brand Car Wash Brushes

Founded in 1948, Erie Brush has been a trustworthy supplier of high-quality professional car and truck wash brushes and even detailing brushes. Erie Brush places a strong emphasis on delivering quality, value, and innovation. Plus, they are handmade with care right here in the U.S.A. to ensure the best quality and highest durability you can get in the industry!

These brushes are specifically designed for self-serve bay and detailing applications. Whether you need a foam brush, truck brush, wheel brush, or something else we’ve got plenty of options for the most serious car wash operators.

Their hogs hair line offers an extremely soft touch that is great for delicate vehicle finishes without sacrificing durability. For applications that require a superior amount of foam, try Erie’s Foammaster Line. These brushes are constructed in a wide variety of shapes and bristle material to match your needs. Material choices range from hogs hair, nylon, foam, and even cloth bristles. For trucks and other large vehicles, Erie’s options are plentiful and we carry a large assortment of choices. Choose from truck wash brushes with hogs hair, styrene, nylon, and Tampico fill. Tackle other smaller surfaces with intricate design features with Erie’s detailing brushes. These brushes are constructed with nylon, Tampico, plastic, styrene, or polypropylene fill so you can pick the brush best suited to the task at hand. Order from Kleen-Rite to get your order fast and at a great price!
